Mastering SAP Data Management: From Data Types to Tables and Structures
1.Types of SAP data :-
Master data :- A type of data which is accessed very frequently, but changed very rarely.
Transaction Data :- A type of data which is always changing and number of records are continuously increasing.
Configuration Data :- A type of data which we can customize. Customizing depends on the business scenario and customer requirements.
Examples :- Suppose there is a company ABC.
- Master data :- Employee data of the company ABC.
- Transaction Data :- Transactions in the company ( Banking transactions , Revenue transactions ).
- Configuration Data :-
- (Employee Designation) :- Senior Consultant ( Vehicle allowance applicable )
- (Employee Designation) :- other than Senior Consultant ( Vehicle allowance not applicable).
Data Class :-
- A portion or physical area of the database where table will be stored.
Delivery Class:-
- It is used for controlling data transport of tables during installation, upgrade and transporting between customer systems.
2. Creating Order Item Table:-
As you know, we have created a order header table in our previous blogs, now we will create a order item table with the following fields.
Since we had already created a domain for order number and total amount in the header table, So we will not create it again.
So, we just need to create domain for Order item number which is NUMC 2 length and for Order Description which is CHAR 40 length.
Similarly, we will create data element for the above two domains and we will start creating the tables.
We had already created the header table, so I don’t think it will cause any problem to anyone for creating the item table.
- We will have to assign the currency/quantity field for CURR data type used in ZAR_TOTAL AMOUNT
- Activate the table.
3. Creating a Foreign key relationship between Header and Item table :-
- We need to make sure we can only add those data in table ZAR_ITEM which are present in the primary key of ZAR_HEADER table.
Pre-requisite for Foreign key relationships:-
- Tables should have a common key.
- Our Common key between both tables is Order Number.
Assigning the foreign key relationships :-
Step 1:- Click on the foreign key button after selecting the order number field in ZAR_ITEM table.
Step 2 :- Give ZAR_HEADER in check table and click on create Proposal.
Step 3:- Assign cardinality as 1 : N so that we can enter multiple data in item table and click on copy and activate the table.
- Cardinality :- Number of records in key table , corresponds to how many number of records in to secondary/foreign key table.
4. Filling Data in the Order Item table :-
Create a TMG for user entries in table same as we did in Order header table.
After creating the TMG, go to SM30 and enter the following data.
Note:- We only have 1 to 5 data in the in the order number of Order header table, so we can only enter data between them. For practice purpose please try to enter a numeric value greater than 6.
5.Types of SAP Database Tables :-
- Transparent table
- Pooled table
- Cluster table
1.Transparent Table :-
In case of transparent table, there is 1:1 relationship between ABAP dictionary and the database.
2.Pooled Table :-
- In case of pooled table, there is N:1 (many to one) relationship between the ABAP dictionary and the database.
- For pooled tables, primary-foreign key relationship is not required.
- Table pool structure - Tabname Varkey Dataln Vardata
3.Cluster Table :-
- In case of cluster table, there is N:1(many to one)relationship between the ABAP dictionary and the database.
- For cluster tables, primary-foreign key relationship is mandatory.
- Table cluster structure - Key Pageno Vardata
6. Structures :-
- Structure is a collection of fields/columns of different data type or similar data type.
- Structure does not contains any data.
- Structure does not have any primary key
Types of Structures :-
1. Include Structure :-
- It is a reusable structure.
- We can insert the include structure at any point.
- It is applicable to customer specific tables, It is not applicable to SAP specific tables.
2. Append Structure :-
- It is not a reusable structure.
- It always inserts at the last.
- It is applicable to both customer specific tables and SAP tables.
We will create the include and append structure in the order header and order item table in the next blog :-
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