Mastering SAP Data Management: From Data Types to Tables and Structures

1.Types of SAP data :-

  1. Master data :- A type of data which is accessed very frequently, but changed very rarely.

  2. Transaction Data :- A type of data which is always changing and number of records are continuously increasing.

  3. Configuration Data :- A type of data which we can customize. Customizing depends on the business scenario and customer requirements.

    Examples :- Suppose there is a company ABC.

    1. Master data :- Employee data of the company ABC.
    2. Transaction Data :- Transactions in the company ( Banking transactions , Revenue transactions ).
    3. Configuration Data :-
      • (Employee Designation) :- Senior Consultant ( Vehicle allowance applicable )
      • (Employee Designation) :- other than Senior Consultant ( Vehicle allowance not applicable).

Data Class :-

  • A portion or physical area of the database where table will be stored.

Delivery Class:-

  • It is used for controlling data transport of tables during installation, upgrade and transporting between customer systems.

2. Creating Order Item Table:-

  • As you know, we have created a order header table in our previous blogs, now we will create a order item table with the following fields.

    • Since we had already created a domain for order number and total amount in the header table, So we will not create it again.

    • So, we just need to create domain for Order item number which is NUMC 2 length and for Order Description which is CHAR 40 length.

    • Similarly, we will create data element for the above two domains and we will start creating the tables.

    • We had already created the header table, so I don’t think it will cause any problem to anyone for creating the item table.

      • We will have to assign the currency/quantity field for CURR data type used in ZAR_TOTAL AMOUNT

      • Activate the table.

3. Creating a Foreign key relationship between Header and Item table :-

  • We need to make sure we can only add those data in table ZAR_ITEM which are present in the primary key of ZAR_HEADER table.

Pre-requisite for Foreign key relationships:-

  • Tables should have a common key.
  • Our Common key between both tables is Order Number.

Assigning the foreign key relationships :-

  • Step 1:- Click on the foreign key button after selecting the order number field in ZAR_ITEM table.

  • Step 2 :- Give ZAR_HEADER in check table and click on create Proposal.

  • Step 3:- Assign cardinality as 1 : N so that we can enter multiple data in item table and click on copy and activate the table.

    • Cardinality :- Number of records in key table , corresponds to how many number of records in to secondary/foreign key table.


4. Filling Data in the Order Item table :-

  • Create a TMG for user entries in table same as we did in Order header table.

  • After creating the TMG, go to SM30 and enter the following data.

    Note:- We only have 1 to 5 data in the in the order number of Order header table, so we can only enter data between them. For practice purpose please try to enter a numeric value greater than 6.

5.Types of SAP Database Tables :-

  1. Transparent table


  1. Pooled table
  2. Cluster table

1.Transparent Table :-

In case of transparent table, there is 1:1 relationship between ABAP dictionary and the database.


2.Pooled Table :-

  • In case of pooled table, there is N:1 (many to one) relationship between the ABAP dictionary and the database.
  • For pooled tables, primary-foreign key relationship is not required.
  • Table pool structure - Tabname Varkey Dataln Vardata


3.Cluster Table :-

  • In case of cluster table, there is N:1(many to one)relationship between the ABAP dictionary and the database.
  • For cluster tables, primary-foreign key relationship is mandatory.
  • Table cluster structure - Key Pageno Vardata


6. Structures :-

  • Structure is a collection of fields/columns of different data type or similar data type.
  • Structure does not contains any data.
  • Structure does not have any primary key

Types of Structures :-

1. Include Structure :-

  • It is a reusable structure.
  • We can insert the include structure at any point.
  • It is applicable to customer specific tables, It is not applicable to SAP specific tables.

2. Append Structure :-

  • It is not a reusable structure.
  • It always inserts at the last.
  • It is applicable to both customer specific tables and SAP tables.

We will create the include and append structure in the order header and order item table in the  next blog :-


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