Types Of Texts in Smartforms

  • Texts are used to display data on the smartform layout.

Types of Texts in Smartforms :-

1. Text Element :-

  • These are not reusable texts.
  • They are dedicated to one smartform only.
  • That means, once we use them in one smartform, we cannot reuse them again.

2. Text Module :-

  • It is a reusable text.
  • It is a reusable text for smartforms.

3. Include Text :-

  • It is also a reusable text.

  • But comparing it with Text module, we can reuse it in smartforms, programs etc.

    Transaction code for Include Text :-

    • SO10.

    Function Module to display Include Text :-


4. Dynamic Texts :-

  • This text is used to display the text at run time in smartform.

    ( Pre - defined table type - TSFTEXT )

1. Practical Implementation for Text Elements :-

  • We have already implemented text elements in the smartform which we have created.

2. Practical Implementation for Text Module :-

  • We can create text module in smartform though SMARTFORMS transaction code only.

  • We can use the text, module in the same way as we create text elements.

3. Practical Implementation for Include Text :-

  • Go to SO10 transaction code.

  • Click on create button.

  • Write the text.

  • In the header, section you can see its details

  • Use it in your smartform

Using Include text in Program :-

*& Report ZAR_INC_TEXT

DATA : lt_line type table of TLINE.

*   CLIENT                        = SY-MANDT
    id                            = 'ST'
    language                      = 'E'
    NAME                          = 'ZAR_INC_TEXT'
    OBJECT                        = 'TEXT'
*   ARCHIVE_HANDLE                = 0
*   LOCAL_CAT                     = ' '
*   HEADER                        =
*   OLD_LINE_COUNTER              =
    lines                         = lt_line
   ID                            = 1
   LANGUAGE                      = 2
   NAME                          = 3
   NOT_FOUND                     = 4
   OBJECT                        = 5
   REFERENCE_CHECK               = 6
   OTHERS                        = 8

CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory
    list_display   = IF_SALV_C_BOOL_SAP=>FALSE
*    r_container    =
*    container_name =
    r_salv_table   = data(lo_alv)
    t_table        = lt_line
  CATCH cx_salv_msg.
lo_alv->display( ).

Execute the Code :-

4. Dynamic Texts Implementation :-

  • We can use this text, for passing text to smartform at the runtime.

  • We have a built in table type ( TSFTEXT ) which we can use for the same purpose.


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