Scheduling a Background job for a particular Time Interval
Step 1 :- Go to SM36 transaction code and give a name for the background job.
Step 2 :- Provide a job class for the same.
Step 3 :- Press enter.
Step 4 :- Provide the name of the program and click on save button.
Step 5 :- Again click on save button so that the status of job can be changed to scheduled status.
Step 6 :- Click on start condition → Click on date and time → Provide the date and time based on requirement.
Step 7 :- If your job is periodic, then you can select the periodic job checkbox → click on period values to assign the period
- Click on save
- Click on save.
Status Of job :-
- We can see its status is currently released as it will start on 11 : 55.
- At 11:55 , the delay count has started.
- and since, period is 1 minute, It will get executed at every minute.
Now, select the job → go to job and change the status to schedule, If it is not mandatory.
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