Debugging in Background Jobs


  • We know that background jobs run by their own in the background and there is no interaction with them.
  • Now, Suppose a background job got executed and we are getting some wrong data in the output, then how will I debug my background job.

Transaction code for Debugging :-

  • JDBG
  • Also known as Job debugging.

Debugging our Background Job :-

  • Step 1 :- Go to SM37 transaction code and give a job name into it.

  • Step 2 :- Click on execute button.

  • Step 3 :- Now write JDBG transaction code and press enter.

    • We can see, we have entered into the debugging mode.
    • Now, Press F7 multiple times until you reach the program in which you have written your entire code.

    • Here, you can debug your program as you want
