Displaying ALV in a Container using CL_SALV_TABLE Class


  • In the Previous part, we understand how can we use CL_SALV_TABLE class for our purpose and can achieve various requirements easily.
  • Also we had discussed how to display ALV in a container using method SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY of CL_GUI_ALV_GRID class.
  • Now, we will display ALV in a container using CL_SALV_TABLE class.

Requirement :-

  • User wants that he would be giving input as a Sales document number.
  • And the output should be details of that Sales document from VBAK table in form ALV in a container.

Solution :-

  • Step 1 :- Create a executable program in ABAP Editor ( SE38 ).

  • Step 2 :- Create a type structure for VBAK table and a corresponding internal table for it.

  • Step 3 :- Define a select option for user input.

  • Step 4 :- In start of selection write the logic to fetch data from header table.

  • Step 5 :- We need to create a object of CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER class which we will pass into the factory method.

  • Step 6 :- Call the factory method of CL_SALV_TABLE and pass this container into it.

  • Step 7 :- We have got the object for CL_SALV_TABLE class and now we need to call the display method.

  • Step 8 :- Call a screen and create a container with name ‘CONT1’ on it.

Code :-

REPORT zar_salv_container.

TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_vbak,
          vbeln TYPE vbeln_va,
          erdat TYPE erdat,
          erzet TYPE erzet,
          ernam TYPE ernam,
          vbtyp TYPE vbtypl,
        END OF ty_vbak.

DATA : lt_header TYPE TABLE OF ty_vbak.

DATA : lv_vbeln TYPE vbeln_va.
SELECT-OPTIONS : s_vbeln FOR lv_vbeln.

  SELECT vbeln
    FROM vbak INTO
    TABLE lt_header
    WHERE vbeln IN s_vbeln.

  IF lt_header IS NOT INITIAL.

DATA(lo_container) = new CL_GUI_CONTAINER(
                        CLSID = '1'
                        CONTAINER_NAME = 'CONT1' ).

CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory
    list_display   = IF_SALV_C_BOOL_SAP=>FALSE
    r_container    = lo_container
*    container_name =
    r_salv_table   = data(lo_salv)
    t_table        = lt_header
  CATCH cx_salv_msg.

lo_salv->display( ).

call screen '0100'.


*&End of Program

Execute the code :-

  • Press F8 to execute the code.
