
Showing posts with the label SAP GUI

Exploring ABAP Classical Report Events: Start Of Selection, End Of Selection, Top of Page, and End of Page

 Welcome back everyone, We have started Classical report events in the last blog. so, Let’s continue it. 3. Start Of Selection This event calls when user clicks execute button on the selection screen. The selection logic is the part of this event. Let’s create a type structure for our header table in our program, which we have seen in the last blog. Implementation :- Note :- Please go to the debug mode and check which events are triggering at what time, It will help everyone to understand the entire concept. Code :- *********************************************** *Start of Program *********************************************** *Declaring type strcuture TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_header, order_number TYPE zar_order_number, order_date TYPE zar_order_date, payment_mode TYPE zar_payment_mode, currency TYPE zar_curency, END OF ty_header. **************** *Internal Table and Work Area DATA : lt_header type table of ty_header, ...

Navigating SAP ABAP: Deep Dive into Selection Screens, Parameters, and Select-Options for Effective Input Management

 Welcome back everyone, we were discussing about types of internal table till our last blog. For previous concepts kindly follow the previous blogs. From today on we are going to start with Selection screen. Selection Screen :- Selection Screen is also known as Input Screen. With the help of selection screen user provides a input to the program. What is the Screen Number of Selection Screen ? →Every Selection Screen or Input Screen always has the number 1000 (It is the standard selection screen). How to Find the screen number ? Step 1 :- Click on Environment. Step 2 :- Click on status. you can find the screen number in the status. Input to the Program :- There are 2 ways to provide the input to the program. Parameters Select-Options 1. Parameters :- Select-Options are used to pass the single input. The various parameters variations are as follows :- PARAMETERS<p> ……….. DEFAULT <f> … PARAMETERS<p> ……….. OBLIGATORY … PARA...