Displaying Logo/Graphics in Smartforms

  • Displaying graphics is one of the important features of Smartforms.
  • For displaying graphics, either we can use the uploaded graphics, or we can upload them into server from our local system.
  • The transaction code for uploading graphics into server is SE78.

Note :-

  • We can only upload a bitmap image into SAP

Uploading BITMAP image :-

  • Suppose, I have this image in bitmap format which I want upload into the server.

  • Step 1 :- Go to SE78 transaction code.

  • Step 2 :- Click on import button. It will navigate you to the local system, select the file.

    • Press enter.

    • You can check the preview by clicking on the print preview.

Using Image into Smartforms :-

  • Step 1 :- Create a separate window for the same purpose.

  • Step 2 :- Right click on the window and create a graphic.

    • In graphic provide the name of the logo.

  • Step 3 :- Activate and execute the smartform, we can see that, our logo is added.

Displaying logo Dynamically at runtime :-

  • Suppose, user wants us to display different logo for different employee.

  • we have 5 records in our employee table, and for first 3 records I want to dispay Amrit image and for the rest I want to display the below logo.

  • So, We will write a logic in the intiialization for the graphics.

Execute the Code :-

  • For employee Id 104, 105

  • for employee id 101, 102, 103
