Mastering SAP ABAP Interfaces: From Definition to Implementation
Interfaces in SAP ABAP :-
- Interfaces provide a standard way to define methods that can be used across different classes.
- In Interface all methods are public by default.
- In Interface all methods are abstract methods ( i.e. There is only definition, no implementation ).
Difference between Abstract Classes and Interfaces :-
1. Abstract Class :-
- In Abstract class, we have at least one abstract method, others can be non-abstract methods.
- Methods visibility can be Public, Private and Protected.
- We need to redefine the abstract method in to sub classes to perform the implementation in Sub class
- Multiple Inheritance is not possible.
Important Point :-
- We can not redefine a static method.
2. Interfaces :-
- All methods are abstract methods in Interface.
- All methods are public.
- There is no need to click on the redefine button ( redefine button is disabled ), we can write the logic in class by double.
- Multiple Inheritance is possible.
- let’s take a requirement, where we create a interface with one method and then, we will implement that Interface in another class.
- Our requirement is to display Sales Order Details from VBAK table on the basis of Sales Document Number.
How to create a Interface in Usual ABAP / Global Class (SE24 ) ?
Step 1 :- Go to SE24 transaction code.
Step 2 :- Give a name to the interface and click on create button.
Step 3 :- A popup screen will appear, select the Interface radio button.
- Press Enter.
Step 4 :- Provide a description for the interface.
Step 5 :- Our Interface Screen will appear.
Step 6 :- Here we will give the name of our method.
- Note :- You can see in the above diagram that Visibility option is not present in case of Interface.
Click on Parameters and provide the importing and exporting parameters.
Save and activate the interface.
Step 7 :- Now, we need to implement the Interface in a class, So create a class from SE24 transaction code.
Step 8 :- click on create button and select Class radio button.
- Press enter.
Step 9 :- Select the Interface tab.
Step 10 :- Fill the details as shown below.
- Now click on Methods tab, you can see that the Method of interface is already assigned here.
Step 11 :- Click on source code and write the logic.
- Activate the class.
Execute the Class :-
Press F8 to execute the class.
Press F8.
- You can see it, is perfectly working.
Let’s achieve the above same to same requirement using local classes and Interfaces through ABAP Editor ( SE38 ).
Implementing Interface Using Program in ABAP :-
Code :-
DATA : perdat type erdat,
perzet type erzet,
pernam type ernam,
pvbtyp type vbtypl.
PARAMETERS : p_vbeln type vbeln_va.
INTERFACE Sales_Order.
METHODS DISPLAY IMPORTING pvbeln type vbeln_va
EXPORTING perdat type erdat
perzet type erzet
pernam type ernam
pvbtyp type vbtypl.
Method Sales_Order~DISPLAY.
SELECT single erdat erzet ernam vbtyp
from vbak into ( perdat, perzet, pernam, pvbtyp ).
DATA(lo_object) = new Sales_Order_IMPLEMENTATION( ).
lo_object->Sales_Order~DISPLAY( EXPORTING pvbeln = p_vbeln
IMPORTING perdat = perdat
perzet = perzet
pernam = pernam
pvbtyp = pvbtyp ).
WRITE :/ perdat, perzet, pernam, pvbtyp.
*&End of Program
Execute the Code :-
- Press F8.
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