
Showing posts with the label Coding Tutorial

ABAP Event Magic: Navigating Interactive Classical Reports for Dynamic Displays

 Welcome back everyone, We were discussing about Interactive Classical Report events, So, let’s continue it. System Variables in Interactive Classical Report Events :- SY-LISEL :- It is a system variable which returns the contents of the selected line. SY-LSIND :- It is a system variable which returns the index of the displayed list. Interactive Classical Report Events :- 1. At Line-Selection :- When user double clicks on the line or select a line and press F2 or select a line and click choose at that time at line-selection event triggers. Suppose, user double click on the below line :- Then the output should be showing the respective line items for the respective header items in a new page :- Note :- F2 is the shortcut key for double click. It is a reserve key by SAP used for double click purpose. Let’s take a requirement to understand the At Line Selection event. Requirement :- Let’s use our order header and order item table, which we have been using so ...

Unlocking ABAP Mastery: A Comprehensive Guide to Internal Table Operations - Loop, Delete, Modify, Read, Clear, Describe

 Welcome back everyone, So basically we have started with internal table operations in our last blog. So let’s continue it. Internal Table Operations - Loop :- Loop allows you to execute a group of statements multiple times. Loop at <itab> where stands for internal table. Loop is used to read the records one by one from the internal table. Practical Implementations :- *********************************************************** *Start Of Program *Using loop LOOP AT lt_header INTO ls_header. WRITE :/ ls_header-order_number, ls_header-payment_mode. ENDLOOP. *End of Program. ************************************************************ Output :- Internal Table Operations - DELETE :- Delete is used to delete the records from the internal table. There are two ways to perform delete operations. Delete based on where condition. Delete based on index. Delete based on where condition :- ********************************* *Start of Program *Using delete to del...

Diving Deeper into ABAP: Exploring String Operations - Concatenate, Split, Condense, and More!

 Welcome back everyone, We have discussed the different types of loops and system variables in our previous blog, Today We will continue with String operations. String Operations :- A string is a collection of characters. String is an elementary data type of variable length. String Operations :- CONCATENATE The purpose of concatenate is to combine the strings. Syntax : concatenate <c1> ———— <cn> into <c> separated by <s>. In the above syntax : concatenate = keyword, <c1>————<cn> = individual strings, into = keyword, <c> = final result string, separated by = keyword, <s> = separated. Create a executable program in SE38. *********************************************************************** *Start of Program *Declaring variables DATA : lv_input1(10) type c value 'Welcome', lv_input2(10) type c value 'To', lv_input3(10) type c value 'Home', lv_output type string. "No...