Understanding the Tabs of a Function Module


Requirement :-

Create a function module for sum of two numbers.

  • Go to SE37 transaction code to create a function module.

  • Click on create button → a popup screen will appear.

    • Pass the function group and short description and click on save button.

Tabs of a Function Module :-

1. Attributes :-

  • Attributes are the generic or general information for any object.

  • It provides the generic information about the function module like :- date, username, function group name, package name etc.

2. Import :-

  • Import tab is used to pass the input parameters for the function module.

3. Export :-

  • Export tab is used to give output parameters for the function module.

4. Changing :-

  • Changing can act as both input and output parameters.

  • We simply pass those parameters whose data might change inside the function modules.

5. Tables :-

  • Tables tab is used for declaring the internal tables.

6. Exceptions :-

  • This tab is used to raise the exception / error.

7. Source Code :-

  • The purpose of this tab is to write the logic for the function module.
