LSMW ( Legacy System Migration Workbench )
- It is a ABAP Workbench tool which is used to transfer data from Non-SAP ( Legacy ) system to SAP system.
- Here, we can migrate the legacy system data to SAP system.
- Transaction code :- LSMW
- LSMW works best for Master data ( Material Master, Client Master data ) which does not require to use much coding while using LSMW.
- This method is more preferred by Functional SAP Consultants rather than technical Consultants for data migration.
- We can export and Import a LSMW.
Difference between BDC and LSMW :-
- LSMW is for functional consultants which does not require much coding, while BDC is designated for technical consultants.
For LSMW we need to understand three terminologies :-
1. Project :-
- In this we specified the name of the data transfer project.
- More than one sub project can be assigned to a project.
2. Subproject :-
- It specifies the name of the subproject.
- A subproject can have an unlimited number of objects.
3. Object :-
- An object corresponds to a business object.
- An object is assigned to a subproject.
- Examples :- Material Master, Client Master etc.
Examples :-
Project :- DataMigration
Subproject :- Materials
Object :- Matcreate
Project :- DataMigration
Subproject :- Materials
Object :- Matchange
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