Exception Class in Object Oriented Programming
Exception is a problem that arises during execution of the program. The purpose of exception class is to raise and handle the exception. We use try block to raise a exception and catch block to handle a exception. The exception class name must start with CX. CX_ROOT is the global class ( parent class ) for all the exceptions. There are 3 subclasses of parent class CX_ROOT. CX_STATIC_CHECK :- It is checked by both the compiler and runtime system. CX_DYNAMIC_CHECK :- It is checked only at runtime system. CX_NO_CHECK :- It is not checked either during compile time and runtime. Note :- While creating the exception class, system by default provides CX_STATIC_CHECK as the super class. Ways to Create Exception Class :- There are 2 ways to create the exception class. Exception class with messages of message class. Exception class without messages of message class. Creating Exception Class without using messages :- Step 1 :- Go to transaction code SE24....